The Cookie is Crumbling…And That is Okay

The Cookie is Crumbling…And That is Okay

Everyone is telling us that the death of digital advertising is on it’s way. We’ve read all the white papers, ominous articles, and countless LinkedIn posts which paint a threatening picture of future media strategies, as major tech companies shift away from allowing...
Should you get access to Hulu’s new ads manager?

Should you get access to Hulu’s new ads manager?

Consumers are turning on their Apple TVs and Rokus more often than a clunky traditional cable box—leaving traditional cable in the dust as they stream digital content. This trend towards digital consumption means more advertising dollars spent in programmatic media....
Q3-Q4 2020 Landscape

Q3-Q4 2020 Landscape

The last quarters of the year, Q4 in particular, always presents specific caveats when considering budgets and channels for a media plan, as advertisers of all industries ramp up media spends with the holiday season. 2020 is a unique year, as we have additional...
How to Choose the Right DSP for Your Company

How to Choose the Right DSP for Your Company

Picture this: You’re an experienced programmatic media planner, who also is comfortable executing social campaigns in-platform. You know the ins and outs of Facebook. You crush it on a search campaign. But, your company is still outsourcing all programmatic media buys...